Our WealthProcess – Nexus | 360 Financial Planning Group

It Starts with You.

Our process begins with getting to know you and your goals. Tell us where you want to go, and we’ll work with you to develop a plan that suits your needs. And as your life changes, we’ll adjust your plan so it better aligns with your new path.

We believe a detailed planning process can be one of the most effective ways to create financial independence. An effective plan may not only provide financial independence throughout your life, but it can also reduce the damage disability, critical illness, or other sudden losses of income may have.

So what are the steps?


1. Discovery

In this initial phase, we get to know you, your financial situation, goals, and concerns.


2. Design

Once we have a clear understanding of your financial situation and goals, we develop a personalized financial plan tailored to pursue those objectives. The design phase aims to create a roadmap for addressing your financial goals.


3. Deploy

After the financial plan is finalized and agreed upon by you, we help implement the recommendations outlined in the plan.


4. Monitor

Once the plan is implemented, we regularly rebalance your portfolio, monitor your financial situation and progress toward your goals. Monitoring helps ensure that you stay on track to meet your financial objectives. Additionally you will also have access to monitor and evaluate your progress with our mobile app.

Rebalancing a portfolio may cause investors to incur tax liabilities and/or transaction costs and does not assure a profit or protect against a loss.


5. Review™

We conduct an annual comprehensive review with you of your financial plan and goals.


6. Adjust

Based on the findings of our comprehensive review, we may recommend adjustments to the financial plan or investment strategy as needed, to address changes in your financial situation, goals or market conditions.

Contact us today to see how a financially sound plan may bring you closer to your goals.